مجموعة سيسليا لو انتجرال لا كيور لمقاومة علامات تقدم السن، 4 × 10 ملل

KWD 357.000
4 دفعات بدون فوائد بقيمة KWD 89.25
عروض الجمال
مجانًا هدايا عند تسوقكم بأكثر من 59 د.ك. من سيسلي. حتى نفاد الكمية.
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قدموا طلبياتكم قبل الساعة 10:19مساءً للتوصيل ٤ ساعات عرض خيارات التسليم والشحن
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تتميز مجموعة سيسليا لو انتجرال لا كيور لمقاومة علامات تقدم السن من سيسلي بخلاصات نباتية غنية تساعدك في الوصول إلى مستويات جديدة من إشراق البشرة ونضارة لتنعمي ببشرة متجددة أكثر شبابًا وحيوية.

رمز المنتج :

هوبرت دورانوكان المؤسس الأول لسيسلي وكانت له بصيرة لهذه الماركة، كان هدفه هوخلق مستحضرات التجميل الراقية ومنتجات العناية بالبشرة التي تعتمد على المستخلصات النباتية ودمجهم بطرق تقنية متقدمة. "سيسلي بيوتي" توفر كافة أنواع المنتجات التي تساعد على العناية بالبشرة. كل ما وفره هوبرت من خلالها هو كل ما تحتاجونه للعناية ببشرتك مدى الحياة كالوقاية من الشمس وكريم مقاومة التقدم في السن والشيخوخة.

تسوق سيسلي

- خلاصة أوراق الجنكة ممزوجة مع فيتامين هـ

- أسيتات: تحمي الميتوكوندريا

- خلاصة جذور زنبق الزنجبيل: يعيد ربط شبكة الميتوكوندريا

- خلاصة الفاوانيا ممزوجة مع مركب لونجيفتي شوجر: يعزز التخلص من الميتوكوندريا التالفة 

يتم شحن هذا العنصر من الكويت, حدد منطقتك أدناه للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات حول أوقات التسليم
اعتمادًا على العنصر ، تتوفر أوقات التسليم التالية
٤ ساعات

وما فوق KWD 39.000 توصيل مجاني للطلبات

رسوم الشحن للطلبات التي تقل عن KWD 39.000 KWD 2.000 رسوم شحن 5 د.ك للطلبات التي تقل عن 50 د.ك.)

طلب بين 06:00:00 PM و 06:59:00 PM

2-3 Days

توصيل مجاني لجميع الطلبات

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استلمها في المتجر خلال ساعتين بسعر 360 Mall Store , ستتلقى بريدًا إلكترونيًا عندما يكون جاهزًا للتحصيل. (الاستلام ، في المتجر في غضون ساعتين في متجر دبي مول. ستتلقى بريدًا إلكترونيًا عندما يكون جاهزًا للاستلام.)
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متوسط ​​التقييم من 15 الاستعراضات
Seraphina Violetta
على 17 يناير 2025
Dubai على 17 يناير 2025
A must to reset and rejuvenate the skin
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Nancy Nazzaro
على 07 مارس 2024
Boston على 07 مارس 2024
The Sisley L'Integral Anti-Age LA CURE is amazing. First, it's the best thing that I have ever smelled. It's heavenly. Also, my skin looks great. Nice an even and firm. The product has no texture to it - it goes on your skin as if there is nothing on your face - seemlesly. Highly recommend.
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Atlanta, GA
على 25 نوفمبر 2023
Atlanta, GA على 25 نوفمبر 2023
Lost oppty, but admittedly some results
I have a wonderful routine that includes some amazing Sisley products and some wonderful devices- most of which require some serum of some sort either as conductor or after-care. Of course, to follow the rules of this product I had to cease all those or deal with washing my face 1k times- I chose the former, to make sure I give this ample opportunity to do its thing. I did apply sisley's biological compound after letting this sink in because it was not sufficient for my usually very well moisturized face. Aside from that, I washed as per usual, used up all my samples of Sisleya eye crème (which I always tell sales ladies not to bother, because it's sold in a jar, so I know I'll not be buying- but they are convinced I'll love it, so I had several samples), and used sisley's enzyme mask twice a week, as per usual and as per suggested. The result? Mixed…. On the one hand you cannot deny that it does do something positive to your face- my skin is undoubtedly softer, noticeably so. On the other, it terms of lines, Sisley's anti-wrinkle serum is, in my opinion, much more effective. In fact, the first two weeks I was genuinely bummed, as I saw the effects of the anti-wrinkle serum erode slowly with no replacement effect- but I'll admit that by the end of the third week I felt like I was seeing some similar effects again- phew! My title is 'lost opportunity' because in the end- I'm not sure these four weeks were better served by this than they would have been by my usual routine… I'm still not sure! There is one wonderful result that I admit I'm glad for and that I can only attribute to cure- it literally did 'cure' a chemical burn that had not healed, despite quite some time having passed. So bottom line: this product is undeniably doing some good- it's just not as instantly visibly effective as others and therefor produces some anxiety- and requires a lot of patience. Oh, and I will admit- the sisleya l'integral eye cream has been great- too bad it's sold in a jar.
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Dominic p
Sydney kingswood
على 25 نوفمبر 2023
Sydney kingswood على 25 نوفمبر 2023
David jones online
Love the floral spary cosmetics I'm using this
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Las Vegas Nevada
على 10 سبتمبر 2023
Las Vegas Nevada على 10 سبتمبر 2023
I would buy this product again
After I finished product i can see and feel it more smooth and brighter.
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Mary S.
New York, NY
على 09 يناير 2023
New York, NY على 09 يناير 2023
My skin was transformed by using the samples for a few days.. can't wait to see how the full product will improve my skin's appearance!
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melissa M
على 20 سبتمبر 2022
Montreal على 20 سبتمبر 2022
Absolutely love this!
Adore it.I usually do a la cure every season. After a few days you can see difference.Worth every penny ! On a clean Sisley face that is all I put on day and night.! My skin loves it! Im on my second bottle and I already see a difference in complexion, radiance and dark spots. Ladies its worth every penny!Im sold!
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على 16 ديسمبر 2021
على 16 ديسمبر 2021
Review for Sisleÿa L'Integral Anti-Age La Cure
I was hesitant to buy this product since it is very expensive, but I could not resist buying it, I have tried it and I have fallen in love, I love how my skin looks After several weeks of use and insurance, even if it is expensive, I will buy again.
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على 19 نوفمبر 2021
على 19 نوفمبر 2021
Review for Sisleÿa L'Integral Anti-Age La Cure
I'll start by saying yes, this product is very expensive, but it does make a noticeable difference. I've used it twice now (about 6 months apart) and both times I could tell a significant difference in the tone of my skin. It looks even, healthy and radiant. I work in the bridal industry and recommend this to my clients as wedding prep the month before their big day. It's a special treat when you know you have a something important coming up and want your skin to looks it's best!
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على 05 أكتوبر 2021
على 05 أكتوبر 2021
Review for Sisleÿa L'Integral Anti-Age La Cure
If it was up. to me I would use this all year round! I. finished a round in beginning of September,and am going to break the rules. and order another! Says exactly what it says it does.Comes in a box, where it explains week 1,2,3,4.All. you need is 7-8 drops per application .RESULTS-Beautiful!DEF DEF RECOMMEND!
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